Wednesday, June 20, 2007

She's Leaving

Today is a weird day for me. My parents have been involved for some time in foster care. For several years they have taken quite a few kids into our home. Last year around this time, a girl, also named Andrea, came to live with us. I have to admit that I felt some trepidation about this whole process... we have had some crazy, and I do mean CRAZY kids that have stayed in our home. I remember when my mom told me that "Annie" was coming to live with us, I was upset. I was ready to be free from the constant madness that can sometimes occur.

The first time I met Annie, she was sitting on our couch watching some teenage soap opera - I think it was Summerland. I thought to myself, "At least she doesn't look crazy!" That was in June. In July, we decided to take Annie's older sister into our home as well, and then in August, we added yet another sibling, Deven (the younger brother). I have to be honest that I really enjoyed every single moment that I got to spend with all three of them.

Sadly, earlier this year, Deven was adopted by a family who the kids knew pretty well. He was excited — I was just sad. Then in May, Brittny graduated, giving her the freedom to spread her wings whenever she so chooses. And now here comes June, and Annie is being adopted by the same family that has her brother... am I sad? You bet! Last night as they moved her first load of stuff, I remembered back to that first day I saw her sitting on the couch... She was more than just a kid I had to put up with for a few months, she, Brittny, & Deven became the siblings I always wanted but never had. I know, perhaps it sounds corny, but I don't care. Psalms 68:6a says, "God sets the lonely in families." I used to think that only applied to those who didn't have families... the widows, orphans, etc. I have found just the opposite to be true. Even people in families get lonely and that's when God brings a family to you.

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