Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Place to Write for an Introvert

For many years, I have loved to write. I may not be terribly good at it or even remotely interesting, but I enjoy it. Namely because I tend to be introverted—not that I don't enjoy people, but I do enjoy my time alone. It takes me longer to process information... I have to think things through. I recently read a book called The Introvert Advantage. This book alluded to the fact that being introverted is a gift. I can't remember the exact statistics but the majority of the people in the world are extroverted. We bring the balance to the chaotic life of extroverts. I, however, have, and still do, see being introverted as a disadvantage. While my boss is firing her tenth task for me to do, I am still writing down and processing task three. The sad part about all of this is that extroverts don't care and don't understand why we aren't like them. They only know that they move faster, get things done quicker, and are completely frustrated that the introverts haven't kept up with them.

If you aren't as familiar with the introvert/extrovert concept, I highly recommend The Introvert Advantage (You can just read the intro that explains the two concepts). Many people think that introverts are simply people who don't like to talk and are completely backward—not true! You can be the most outgoing person in the world and still be introverted (I tend to doubt it, but anything is possible). If you get your energy from being with people and bouncing ideas off of them, then you are most likely an extrovert. However, if you are like me and enjoy processing things by yourself, and are easily overwhelmed with long amounts of time spent with people. then you are probably an introvert.

Anyway, all that to say, I am glad to have a place where I can be my introverted, processing slowly, thinking things through by myself. I welcome any comments!

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