Tuesday, March 4, 2014

February Jubilee

I'll keep this short and sweet. My February Jubilee consisted of a road trip to Charlotte, North Carolina to visit my bff and her hubby (and her little dog too). While this might not seem like a big deal, it was. It was the longest I have ever driven anywhere by myself since I don't really care to be alone. Here's what my long weekend included:

*3:30 a.m. bedtimes - totally an adventure for me who likes to be in bed by 9 p.m.

*4 days of quality time with my best friend

*5 mile hikes and walks each day

*12 hours of drive time (all by myself)

Food, eating, shopping, talking, laughing, Lake Norman, Latta Plantation, church visiting, did I mention food? ;)

It's always a balm to my soul to be around someone who has known you from the beginning and still loves you anyway.

I am looking forward to my March jubilee. Stay tuned!