Saturday, October 24, 2009

Still Alive

I have been meaning to blog for about the past 6 months, I promise. I wish that I had more time to blog. Even now, I should be studying for my Political Science mid-term, but I find the exhilaration of writing to be much more exciting than figuring out what I am going say about European politics in my essay exam on Tuesday. Some people suffer from Senioritis - I would be one of those people, and sadly, I have had the disease my entire life :) I long for the day that school is over with, and I no longer have the constant pressure of tests, homework, and papers...that day will come—I know. Lord, give me patience.

So, I am going to try to give you an update on the past several months:

My best friend got married in September (congrats Misty & Adam)!
I had such a ball with the shower, the bachelorette party, the wedding on the beach, and the two receptions that followed (one in Georgia and one in Ohio). Such sweet times with old friends, new friends, friends that are more like was a beautiful couple of months.

I am still plugging away at school and work. We just finished our big fall weekend, and everything seemed to go without a hitch.

But the most exciting thing that has been happening is youth group...these past few months I have witnessed so many miracles—the blessings of God—answered prayers—forgiveness—healing—it has been inspiring. While there have been rocky moments (quite a few actually), it is apparent that God is at work in the lives of the teens, and I am so happy to be a part of it all.

Well, this is just a quick update. If you want to see any current photos, check out my facebook.

Be encouraged that God is at work. Something that I have been thinking about a lot lately is a verse in 1 John. To paraphrase, it basically says that our hearts are deceptive at times and it can make us doubt our salvation or who we are in Christ, but it goes on to say that God is bigger than our hearts. Sometimes we psych ourselves out, believing that we can never overcome choices that we have made, but God is bigger than any mistake we have ever made; He is bigger than who our heart says we are.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Panera Ponderings

I just dropped my best friend off at the airport and am now sitting at Panera, one of my many guilty pleasures. Is there anything better than drinking a chai tea while people watching and enjoying the benefits of free wi-fi? If you can tell me something I might like better, I dare you to leave a comment :)

This has been quite the week. My best friend came home from Georgia because she is finally getting married. As the maid-of-honor, I knew I needed to throw her a shower and perhaps a bachelorette makes life a little tricky living so far away from each other, but it all worked out. We had an amazingly fun and productive week. It is always so good to catch up, but more than just catching up, I realized this week that there is so much beauty in the traditions leading up the pinnacle day-the glorious, and hopefully once-in-a-lifetime day. This year, I have been surrounded by failed marriages, and it has left me very cynical. I have spent much time in sorrow by how broken we have become. I have found myself questioning things like divorce and remarriage and everything that goes along with it. I have wondered if it is possible to truly be able to stay married in this crazy, messed-up world.

I know the answer is yes, but there are times when I have been afraid that no one will be able to succeed in what seems to be an increasing impossibility. In the end, this week has helped to restore my faith in the beauty of marriage—the beauty of what God created. Maybe it seems strange that a week with my best friend did that, but I have watched her figure this thing out with wisdom and grace. If anyone can make it, I know it will be her.

I realized the beauty of the human spirit in the traditions of weddings. The coming together of those you love. People really do care about your future. They do all they can to prepare you for a new life and to succeed at that life - gifts to set your house up, advice for everything from cooking to kids, and making you feel like the most important person until the wedding day.

What a good week. I am grateful for my dear friend; I am grateful that my big job is over with :) (other than writing that pesky wedding toast); and I am most grateful for the people in my life who have worked hard at marriage and made it work forever. They are my heroes.

Monday, June 15, 2009

To Mike - we miss you but are so glad you are in paradise...

He won’t let you go the moment that you say,
“Come and live in me, just take me all the way.”
Cause what he said is true: no He will never leave you
Forever by your side, oh, it’s true.

He won’t let you go though the seasons change
He’s never been so close—no He’s just a prayer away.
When you hear the Father’s call, when He’s calling to you,
Just run into His arms, no don’t hesitate to do it.

Cause He won’t let you go—He’s forever by your side.
He wants you to know Jesus has paid the price.
He wants you to go forever in paradise.
To give your heart to Him is really all you have to do.
Even when you die, He will still be by your side.

He won’t let you go, His love will never change.
Let Him hold you close, closer every day.
He would have died for you had you been the only one,
So don’t you ever doubt, no oh, it’s true.

He won’t let you go—and He’s forever by your side.
He wants you to know Jesus has paid the price.
Cause He wants you to go forever in paradise.
Give your heart to Him is really all you have to do.
Even when you die, He will still be by your side.
Give your heart to Him is really all you have to do.
And then even when you die, He will still be by your side.

He will never let you go this I know He will never let you go oh no
Through the ages time after time ooh this is true
He will never let you go
No He won't let you go, time after time.

-The Kry

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quarter of a Century's Wisdom

Today is my b-day, as Michael Scott would say. I can't believe I am 25 years old...

On Tuesday in youth group, Pastor Burt had the teens contemplate their journey with Christ. Have they moved in their walk? Are they moving? Where are they at?

In thinking about my own journey with Christ, it seems appropriate, on this occasion, that I take a moment and assess the things I have learned in my 25 years here on earth. What have I learned? Am I growing? Do I like who I am becoming? Have I changed?

Below is a list of 25 things that I know I have learned—some are old adages that we have heard a thousand times, some are straight from the Bible. I have found all of these to be true and am still working on them:

1.) You get what you pay for.

2.) When you feel like isolating yourself, don't.

3.) The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

4.) Good is great's worst enemy.

5.) Friends are the family you make for yourself - treat them well!

6.) Stop and smell the roses - enjoy the simple things in life.

7.) If you have the opportunity to travel, do it.

8.) Don't go to college for the sake of going to college. It will always be there waiting for you.

9.) Live like Jesus - be a servant, and you will find joy in the smallest tasks.

10.) If you really want something, it's okay to splurge, just don't splurge all the time.

11.) Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth - No one likes a bragger.

12.) Make time for people, even if you aren't the best of friends...people matter.

13.) Wherever you are, be all there.

14.) No matter what you are doing, do your best.

15.) Honor your parents so your life will go well.

16.) Greedy people try to get rich quick but don't realize they're headed for poverty.

17.) Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing.

18.) Learn how to be content in all circumstances.

19.) You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them.

20.) It's okay to indulge your guilty pleasures every now and then if they are harmless. Chocolate and showtunes - need I say more?

21.) It is not the length of life, but the depth of life.

22.) Every moment is a second chance at starting over.

23.) To have a thankful heart, a good rule of thumb is to list five things a day you are thankful for.

24.) To live a life of self is death, but the death of self is life.

25.) Life is worthless until you understand the reason for existence - Jesus.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The "Sommer" Chronicles

Summer is lurking around the corner. I know this because:

a.) For the first time this entire year, I was hot.
b.) Memorial Day is two short days away.
c.) School's out!!!

Woohoo! One more semester done - 6 more to go = 3 more years until I can wash my hands of homework...unless I decide to commit mental suicide and get a master's degree. Ahhhh!

So, what's been happening? Well, I finished up both of my English courses at the beginning of May. They were some of the best classes I have had since my time at Muskingum. I loved every second of them. Well, that might be stretching the truth, but aside from the exams and papers, the books were incredible!

After my English finals, I faced some classes that I have been dreading - my required PE activities. When I think about physical education, my mind drifts back to those years of suffering through field day at school....what horrible memories! When you are a short, chubby nerd, who would rather spend an entire summer reading than just about anything else, PE becomes your worst nightmare. You know, some people are natural born athletes--they can run fast, fly high, or swing a club like it's second nature. Then there are those who might not be natural athletes, but they have a deep appreciation for athletics, and because of that appreciation, they can hold their own when it comes to sports. And last but not least would be the category I fit into - those who have always been clutzy, uncoordinated, and suffer from feelings akin to hatred where sports are concerned. Let's just say that these past few weeks have caused me to remember why I never got involved in organized athletics.

Now that the dreaded PE courses are over, I find myself at the brink of summer, eagerly anticipating a break from school in general. This weekend I am catching up on things that have been ignored for the past 3.5 months at my house. Menial tasks like making a trip to the DMV, cleaning, filing, painting, working on the car, and trying to prepare myself for three months of warmth - warmth of friends, family, and fun!

Recently I've been reminded of the series of verses in Colossians chapter 3, where Paul reminds us to think about heaven. He warns us to not just dwell on earthly matters - our life now, but to be mindful of heaven - our true home. I am guilty of getting so caught up with things here - the day to day grind - but I am praying that this summer, God helps me - helps us - helps his bride to let heaven fill our thoughts so that we might become who He was longed for us to become.

What are you up to this summer?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meditations on April

I believe it was Eliot
who penned of the cruelness of April--
The cruelty of April--its only flaw--
is its inability to remain fixed in time.

Call me Romantic in this Post-Modern age--
I don't care; I have seen a sun so bright
that the beams wept rays of golden caresses
on all it touched--compelling them to shine.

I have felt the comforting embrace
of morning dew, fallen from the sky,
tenderly cradle nature's children--
the tulip, daffodil, and Easter lily,
who surrender to the heavenly nectar
and come alive.

I have never tasted of anything
sweeter than April's candied offerings,
nor touched anything softer than spring's firstborns.
And most importantly, I have never heard a sweeter melody
than that of April's chorus:
the song of children's freedom echo
winter has ended and all the world's outside.

So to Eliot, I proffer this question:
"When was April cruel to you?"
"When did the morning dew forget to fall?"
"Did you not see the sun, nor embrace its children?"
"And did you not hear the most glorious sound of all--
the sound of anticipation rise in the hearts of those who long for April--
your cruelest month of all."

~Andrea J. Sommers, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Need Something to do This Saturday Night?

So, I just had to post this announcement for all you Bebo fans out there in are $15 at the door - general admission. I can't wait!!

Bebo Norman, Phillip LaRue

Northwest Presbyterian - Dublin, OH US
April 18, 2009 07:00 PM
[Doors open 06:00 PM]

For info contact: 614-799-2300 For more info Click Here

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Madness

And you thought March Madness was a basketball tournament--not for me! March, while in years past was a month of seemingly nothingness has turned into one of the busiest months of my life...

Where to begin....I started the month with spring break and a trip to visit one of my very best friends and favorite people--Misty Rose! It was an amazingly, refreshing trip with many moments of sheer bliss. The week flew by much quicker than I wished it had.

Andrea & Misty on the Flint River

My return home was filled with writing papers, reading Great Expectations and Billy Budd, Sailor, writing more papers, and somewhere in there, studying and taking mid-terms (let's not forget the work that piled up on my desk at the office while I was away for a week : - } ).

This past weekend was another busy weekend. I served as a chaperone for the youth group at our winter youth retreat - Blizzard. It was an amazing weekend--it always is. And like most years, I left feeling encouraged, strengthened, and blessed to have the chance to be a part of something so cool.

The speaker this year mentioned the verse that says without a vision the people perish and how God gives us small glimpses of that vision, but we never get to see the whole picture because we would not be able to comprehend the things He has prepared for us. Then, today at church, we were privileged to have missionaries from Tijuana, Mexico share with us. I was so touched by their story....basically they had believed God had called them to full-time missions, but it took 10 years for them to see that vision come to fruition. They also mentioned the same verse about vision that our speaker at Blizzard talked about, with many of the same ideas.

This weekend I was once again reminded that God keeps His promises. If He has given you a dream, it will come to pass--in His time. This was a message that I felt like God has been speaking to me for some time, and it was confirmed this weekend in every way. I am so grateful, and thankful that I know I can trust God...He knows my heart's desire, and I know that I am where I need to be until that day comes when I can see my vision (and your vision) fulfilled.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

American Idol Recap

I realize that my last post was rather lengthy... I'll try to keep this brief! :)

So, American Idol. I confess. It is my guilty pleasure. Although, I don't know why I have to say it's a guilty pleasure. I am not ashamed that I like a show that offers people with talent a chance to make something of themselves. I think it's pretty cool.
So, at first I was kind of annoyed with the change in format this year. It seemed unfair that people basically got one shot in front of America to impress them; however, after tonight's results, I can say that I am proud of the American public. In my humble opinion, the three most deserving people made it through tonight.

****SPOILER ALERT***** Read no further if you have yet to watch the results show.

The first three of the top twelve:

1.) Alexis Grace - for sure, the only deserving girl of the night.

2.) Michael Sarver - maybe not his best performance, but this guy has heart!

3.) And my current favorite contestant, Danny Gokey. Gotta love this guy's voice and his story...

Not quite sure how this wild card thing is going to go, but if I had to pick from the remaining contestants of this group of twelve, my vote goes for Ricky Braddy - great voice - nailed his song.
Congrats, and may all of the top twelve be as deserving as these three.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Revisited

So, I have a dear friend, who will at times, find a letter that she wrote to me months ago, and will still send it even though the news might be old...and I love it! That's how I feel about this post. However, it is only about a week old, but I wanted to post it anyway...

I have had some memorable Valentine's Day moments, not by choice, but what do you do. It has been an up and down day in my life, but here are some thoughts and memories:

Looking back on my life, I remember being about 15 or 16. It was Valentine's Day morning, and I heard a knock on the door. It was a flower delivery man with a beautiful bouquet of flowers-I can't remember exactly what they looked like, but I do remember thinking, "How cool. A secret admirer!" Obviously, I had been reading too many chick lit books! You can imagine how an uncool, shy kid like myself would be pretty stoked about the idea. However, that dream was quickly shot down when the flower man said, "Are you Jessy?" That was when I realized that the flowers were not for me, but for my gorgeous, blond, blue-eyed best friend (at the time)/neighbor. "Of course," I thought to all made sense!

After that Valentine's Day, I normally spent the day in depression with Pride & Prejudice playing on a loop, non-stop.... okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but you get the picture.

A few years of that went by, when I felt like God really spoke to me about Valentine's Day. He reminded me that it was a day He made... I'm supposed to rejoice and be glad in it regardless if I got flowers or if I spent the day alone watching Pride & Prejudice. What mattered then, and what still matters, is our love for Him and His love for us. We have a daily choice to make, will we love Him? Will we rejoice no matter our circumstances?

After that epoch/epiphany, I made a choice to enjoy my Valentine's Day regardless of how I spend it....

Last year after my epiphany, my embarrassment level reached an all-time high when the men's music fraternity at Muskingum came to our office to sing for the President. Much to my chagrin, she was not there, but I was. The guys then asked if they could sing for me instead. What could I say? As all six of them proceeded to get down on their knees, hand me a rose, and basically see me turn multiple shades of red, I would have to say that was one of the most memorable Valentine's Day experiences I have ever had. Thankfully, this year the President was in the office!!

This year was probably the best V-Day I have had in of my friends has been down in the dumps we went to the movies, saw a chick-flick, laughed our heads off, enjoyed delicious food at the Forum, and found some great clothes on sale!!! Granted, I have done similar things with other friends on Valentine's Day, but what made this day special was the chance to participate in something that Pastor Burt just talked to us about on Sunday--fellowship. In Ecclesiastes, we are reminded to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to mourn with those who are mourning, and I think that is all a part of fellowship. I was able to share in my dear friend's sadness, and hopefully, was able to help her turn her mourning into rejoicing--at least for the day.

Here's to another Valentine's Day--may they live long and be as prosperous as the one we just shared.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Your mom wasn't kidding when she said, "Don't eat yellow snow!" I now have proof.............

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This week I was given a very special gift, a free day off of work and school. We were iced in (literally). I woke up to the sounds of "Muskingum College closed." I spent the day doing homework, playing games, and picking the ice off of my car... : ) In between, I managed to take some pictures.... enojoy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Past My Bedtime

It is officially 11:18 p.m. on a Friday night--way past my bedtime. I just finished watching No Reservations, a Christmas present from my folks, while I waited for my Microsoft updates to download on glorious dial-up...there are days when I really wished that I lived in a place that was a part of modern civilization, but if you want a view, there are some things you have to give up I suppose.

So, this is the first time I have blogged using my semi-new laptop. I am enjoying the ability to be half asleep, typing away, with Ray LaMontagne serenading me in the background. I love this laptop! Speaking of which, I am including some photos of my dad having fun with the web cam.

Aren't those classic? I love them!

So, not much new to report on the New Year's resolutions. With classes starting this past week, I have become consumed with reading, writing, and trying to remember all of Moll Flander's husbands for our quiz on Wednesday. Seriously, that woman had some issues. Defoe always has such colorful characters in his works.

This semester I am taking 19th Century American Literature and History of the British Novel. I love both of my professors and the topics for that matter. It should be a good semester if I can keep my head above water with the readings and papers. Well, this is a random post... I think I will end with one of my favorite things...

Thankful today for:
1.) The soulful voice of Ray LaMontagne
2.) The computer guys at work who saved my computer this morning from a malicious virus
3.) Glorious snow
4.) Sitting by the fire with a cup of tea
5.) For the sacrifice of Jesus who healed with sick, raised the dead, and loved the unlovable. I have never healed a sick person, raised a dead person, or been very successful at loving the unlovable, yet He died instead of me. The mystery of the gospel--the beauty of His grace.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today, just a week after starting this diet, I was forced to stare at my favorite cookies for the entire afternoon at work. Talk about self-control! Yes, I refrained from eating any, which I thought was a small miracle in my life : ) I have handed the cookies over to someone much skinnier than I, and I feel better about my day.

Things are going pretty well. At the one week mark, I have lost a total of six pounds. Granted, I think I had put about five of those pounds on the day before the diet started, but still, it's progress. I have been eating very small portions every two hours. Here is my typical schedule:

7:30 a.m. 1/4 c. of cashews on the way to work
9:30 a.m. Fat free, plain (no sugar) yogurt with some kind of fruit
11:30 a.m. 2 slices of cheese and 2 slices of lunch meat or a lean cuisine
1:30 p.m. Some sort of veggie - plain. Today I had several baby carrots
3:30 p.m. Whatever I can find at home that's easy to lug to work, an apple, more nuts, etc.
5:30 p.m. Dinner, which is usually salad, veggies, and a small portion of meat or a bowl of soup
7:30 p.m. A cup of tea with 1 tsp. of honey and a spot of cream

I drink a ton of water throughout the day. As for the exercise, I must confess that I just don't have time. I am going to try and squeeze it in, but for now, I am pretty happy for just sticking to this diet. I think if I can shed some weight, working out will be my next step... I just need to make it through this semester and then I can hit the pool in the summer!

That is my update for now. Youth group tonight and tons of reading to do. This semester is going to consist of 12 novels to read (big ones), 10 papers (some small, some huge), 2 midterms, and 2 finals, in-class participation (yay, not!), and a plethora of other fun facts. I can't believe that in 2 classes, this much work is possible. Some how, I will make it through. I told Dr. Williamson today that my goal for the semester was to survive. I'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kill Me Now: The Discipline of Self-Control

Alright, not literally... but it is one of my favorite expressions for when I am frustrated, or in this case, when I want something, and I can't have it. I said this last night as I watched nine, no scratch that, eight other people sink their teeth into hot, gooey, delicious pizza in front of my very eyes. Last night we had our youth group Christmas party due to the fact that before Christmas, it seemed like every Tuesday night we had a blast of freezing rain. So, last night, we had our Christmas/New Year's party that consisted of some really fun games (thanks to Pastor Burt) and food (thanks to everyone who brought it), and a gift exchange.

My one solace was that my good buddy Brianna is dieting as well, and she was there last night. I was proud of myself for not giving into my desires.

Self-control is an interesting thing. During the Ohio State game, which I did not watch (football is a waste of my life), my aforementioned friend Brianna, her mom, my mom, and me of course, talked about this very thing. I mentioned my feelings of frustration for certain people in my life who have seemed to have lost all self-control and the desire for self-control—people who claim to know God and to love Him. Everyone else chimed in with similar stories. Granted, I am not exempt from this category...I know I need more self-control in my life, but I feel like society in general has lost all desire or need for self-control. We do what we want, when we want to regardless of what it does to our bodies, how it impacts others, and despite commitments we have made. We can see this trend all around us—America's spending crisis comes to mind. I don't want to be like this.

What does the Bible have to say about self-control? Here is my favorite:

(2 Pet 1:6 NLT) Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness.

And let's not forget that self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. So if we know God, self-control should be evident in our lives. I know I need more of it!

So... enough of me on my soapbox... how was my day yesterday as far as my New Year's resolutions are concerned? Not horrible. Here's what I ate:

-No fat, no sugar, plain yogurt and a peach
-A Lean Cuisine for lunch
-Chicken and vegetables for dinner
-A handful of peanuts

I still didn't have a chance to work-out, unless you count the Shuffle Your Buns game that Pastor B made us play.

I felt better about my whole time/priorities balance as well. Not a bad day at all. Here's to another day of acquiring self-control, whether I want it or not! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bandwagon 2009

It seems like this year, people are taking their New Year's resolutions seriously—at least the people in my world. I've decided to jump on the bandwagon, and hopefully use this blog to somehow hold myself accountable for how I need to change this year.

For me, this needs to be a year of discipline in all aspects of my life:

1.) Eating/Exercise... I hate this one. Let's be honest. It seems like everyone tries to make some kind of resolution revolving around weight loss or getting into shape and it normally lasts about a month (if that). This year, I know that I need to take this seriously, for multiple reasons... My plan of action is to eat less, eat healthier, and to work out. The working out part is the part I usually fail. Let's face it, I am athletically impaired. I know this, but I also know that exercise is the key to getting healthy. Lord, give me strength!

2.) Time... I have a lot on my plate, and I am often frustrated with the balancing act; meaning, how do you remain responsible to your commitments and yet manage to stay happy and delve into the things that you really want to delve into without sacrificing something that is truly important? I feel like I need to be more careful with the time I have; more disciplined with how I spend my time.

3.) Priorities... Kind of along the same line with spending my time wisely, I find there are times in my life when I get out-of-whack, for lack of a better term. I push things aside, like my time with God, in order to get homework done, or relax after a long day... I don't want to do that anymore. I want to realign my priorities!

So, this list is not exhaustive, but these three things are truly my top priority this year. How am I doing after day 1 (Monday)? Not too bad... however, the Ohio State game kind of messed up my plans, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step... one step down, a lot more steps to go.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


What a crazy couple of weeks it's been! Between Christmas shopping, wrapping gifts, opening gifts, traveling near and far, working, playing, catching up with friends, and a plethora of other activities, I feel completely exhausted! While I've been busy, I have loved every moment. I spent many late nights/early mornings talking with dear friends. I lost valuable hours of sleep but gained treasures that far surpassed rest.

During my last minute shopping trips to the mall, I noticed a book by A.J. Jacobs called The Year of Living Biblically. I won't get into too much detail, but Mr. Jacobs, who admits to being agnostic, a firm believer in evolution, and basically has had no use for religion of any sort in his life, decided to spend a year studying and living the Bible as literally as possible. I'm only on page 100, but thus far it has been rather can only imagine with Old Testament laws that include not wearing clothing that mix wool and linen... I am anticipating the end...will his in-depth look at scripture change his views? Only time will tell, but today I was captured by a closing section that he wrote in the introduction:

"I...had breakfast with Rabbi Andy Bachman, a brilliant man who heads up one of Brooklyn's largest synagogues, Congregation Beth Elohim. He told me a midrash—a story or legend that is not in the Bible proper, but which deals with biblical events. This midrash is a bout the parting of the Red Sea...

We all think of the scene in The Ten Commandments movie with Charlton Heston, where Moses lifted up his rod, and the waters rolled back. But this midrash says that's not how it happened. Moses lifted up his rod, and the sea did not part. The Egyptians were closing in, and the sea wasn't moving. So a Hebrew named Nachson just walked into the water. He waded up to his ankles, then his knees, then his waist, then his shoulders. And right when water was about to get up to his nostrils, the sea parted.

The point is, sometimes miracles occur only when you jump in."

I was struck by this simple story. Are there miracles in my life waiting to happen if I will simply "jump in?"

I pray that as we close this busy Christmas season that you will take hope in this notion. May none of us be afraid to take the first step towards a miracle.