I have been meaning to blog for about the past 6 months, I promise. I wish that I had more time to blog. Even now, I should be studying for my Political Science mid-term, but I find the exhilaration of writing to be much more exciting than figuring out what I am going say about European politics in my essay exam on Tuesday. Some people suffer from Senioritis - I would be one of those people, and sadly, I have had the disease my entire life :) I long for the day that school is over with, and I no longer have the constant pressure of tests, homework, and papers...that day will come—I know. Lord, give me patience.
So, I am going to try to give you an update on the past several months:
My best friend got married in September (congrats Misty & Adam)!
I had such a ball with the shower, the bachelorette party, the wedding on the beach, and the two receptions that followed (one in Georgia and one in Ohio). Such sweet times with old friends, new friends, friends that are more like family...it was a beautiful couple of months.
I am still plugging away at school and work. We just finished our big fall weekend, and everything seemed to go without a hitch.
But the most exciting thing that has been happening is youth group...these past few months I have witnessed so many miracles—the blessings of God—answered prayers—forgiveness—healing—it has been inspiring. While there have been rocky moments (quite a few actually), it is apparent that God is at work in the lives of the teens, and I am so happy to be a part of it all.
Well, this is just a quick update. If you want to see any current photos, check out my facebook.
Be encouraged that God is at work. Something that I have been thinking about a lot lately is a verse in 1 John. To paraphrase, it basically says that our hearts are deceptive at times and it can make us doubt our salvation or who we are in Christ, but it goes on to say that God is bigger than our hearts. Sometimes we psych ourselves out, believing that we can never overcome choices that we have made, but God is bigger than any mistake we have ever made; He is bigger than who our heart says we are.
1 comment:
i'm so happy you are "still alive" t'would die if you weren't. thanks for the post! love you!!
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