This weekend, I realized that I was in the midst of one of those changes that require sacrifice. It all started with a prayer-a-thon that we put together for youth group. This consisted of 10 hours of pretty much non-stop prayer through the night (we did take caffeine breaks!). I confess that I am a pansy when it comes to missing sleep. I get cranky, sensitive, and basically an unpleasant person to be around. Anyway, it turned out to be one of the coolest things I have ever done. It felt so good to intercede for friends, family, the nation, and the Church.
This morning, I was reminded again about how important prayer is. And, it's also important to note, that sometimes prayer is difficult. I confess that I have a difficult time mind wanders, I think of everything I need to do... I hate it. It's something that I have consistently struggled with, but this weekend I realized that I need to change. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean that we give up on it. In fact, those things that we have to fight for are usually the things that come to mean the most to us and are the things that we most need in our lives.
So here's to change—change for the better! In honor of change, enjoy the new template for the blog. (I do like change every now and then)!
FYE—I think this is me trying to catch a few z's around 3 a.m. during a caffeine break at the prayer-a-thon... I know I look crazy, but I was tired!

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