Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Haiku - Thanks Pastor Burt

Today an amazing thing happened—an upgrade to my computer. I now have a ton of ram, well a ton in comparison to what I did have. Don't ask me the particulars...that's what my cousin JM is for! : ) I will be getting a new processor soon too (as soon as it makes it from the mysterious world that is the Internet).

Today I was reminded of the haiku...thanks Pastor Burt! (Check out his amazing haiku's on my blogroll.) Anyway, I thought in tribute to my struggling career as an English major, I would attempt a haiku on this momentous occasion:

The days of slowness

Gone now that I have more ram

My heart leaps for joy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that was great!

Glad you found inspiration in my silly lines.

Actually I was in turn inspired by Romi, another member in the lifewithchrist.org blogging community. She's an English teacher who lives, I think, in some oriental nation. Her haiku poetry is incredibly good, containing unexpected twists. You can find them at http://romi.lifewithchrist.org/category/haiku.html
