It's been a surreal week. I was sick, and I basically took the whole week of work off, which is totally unlike me. I did manage to make it to class most days.
Ok, I'm boring myself.
I am going to have to get a life! : ) Anyhoo, here's more reasons I'm thankful:
1.) Jonathon Edwards is NOT my pastor—One word—OY! So, in high school I had to read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Never for the life of me did I think I would have to read it more than once. Well, today that nightmare became a reality. Our current topic in American Lit is Puritan Literature. Just so happens that Jonathon Edwards made it into the textbook. It's not that I don't appreciate the message, but come on—who needs that many pages to tell people they are going to burn??
2.) Like Edwards says, God is holding us in His hands, and because of His grace He doesn't drop us into Hell, where we deserve to fall, but He gathers us close to His chest and loves us unconditionally.
3.) Understanding Friends—This weekend one of my very best friends moved out of state for her new job (congrats Misty...even though I am going to miss you!) I was supposed to drive down with her to keep her company, but I just didn't feel like I had totally recouped, and she was so kind about the whole thing. Tonight, I am most thankful that I have such a great friend! I am also thankful I had the chance to rest this weekend and now have the promise of a trip over spring break!
4.) Monk—It's my latest favorite tv show. Trust me when I say that I watched a ton of tv this past week. It was kind of a nice reprieve. I really like Monk. It kind of reminds me of Matlock with a funny twist. Take a brilliant detective with a severe case of OCD and viola, a hilarious, clean TV show that keeps you guessing.
5.) For health—I too often take this for granted until I get sick. Thank you God for wholeness!
**Bonus picture to make you all smile... this is my dad. Here is a good reason not fall asleep on the couch when your daughter is me!

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