So I have this brass plate on my desk that says looking for love. I bought it as a joke for a friend and ended up keeping it for kicks and giggles. Most of the time, I am so content being single. I love it! I relish the fact that I have unlimited freedom. I answer to God, and God alone. I don't have to discuss how I spend my money. I don't have to deal with another family. There are so many pros to this whole single business. It's just like Paul talks about in Corinthians how single people are free to serve God and not their spouse. I love that! However, this weekend, being around a friend who just got married and a friend who is in this brand new relationship made me start thinking about a song that my hero Bebo Norman wrote a few years back when he was still single. It's called Break Me Through.
There is a line in the song that says, "It's funny how it hurts me, this love I've never had." Some days I feel that way. However, the song goes on to say that life shines with God, and if he had to choose, he would choose God everytime. I love this song. It resonates within me. So this weekend, I prayed. As happy as I am for both of my friends and their new-found-love, I want to choose God everytime. I want to focus on Him and not on loneliness or what I don't have. I want to have the freedom to serve Him, however that looks.
I also realized this weekend that the qualities I am looking for in a future husband are not worth compromising just so I can have someone. I will die single before I vow to spend my life with a person who I can't share my life, faith, and interests with. My mom always said, "It's better to be single and want to be married than to be married and wish that you were single!" I hartily concur!
So here's to a life of choosing God everytime—waiting for his absolute best—and trusting in His goodness.
Life Shines With You!
You Show Me That~
Life Shines With You!
So Break Me Through
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