Misty and I have been best friend's for years... too many to count! Jodie and I are fairly new friends. We've known each other for awhile, but we recently started hanging out. Anyway, it's been a quick, but awesome weekend.
We got in Friday night at 8:30 and basically just hung out. Misty's brand new b/f came over and he and Misty showed us their dance moves. It was very exciting (and impressive). After Misty and Thad had there tearful goodbye, it was girl time. We had a lot of catching up to do. Jodie recently got married, so we were asking her about married life.
After many hours, we finally went to bed. This morning we had brunch, took a few hours to study (I was reading excerpts from A Pilgrim's Progress), and then we got ready to go out. We went out for dinner at Applebees, went to the Goodwill... that was a hoot. We found a semi-decent wedding gown, put Misty in it, found some bridal bouquets, and posed for the camera. : ) What trip would be complete without a trip to Wal-Mart. Afterwards, we went to Graeter's for ice cream.
Now we are back home, and I am contemplating the long drive home and my meeting at the church tomorrow. I recently volunteered to help out with the youth group, which I am thrilled about. I need a new challenge! Tomorrow's meeting we will be figuring out who's doing what. It should be a good time.
Jodie and I are going to stop at the outlet mall on the way home to see if we can get some Christmas shopping done on our limited budgets. I will post more about the trip when I get home...I've been doing some thinking and praying.
Jodie and I are going to stop at the outlet mall on the way home to see if we can get some Christmas shopping done on our limited budgets. I will post more about the trip when I get home...I've been doing some thinking and praying.
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