Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Top 5's (At the Moment)


1.) Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightley)
2.) Return to Me
3.) Napoleon Dynamite
4.) Evan Almighty
5.) My Big Fat Greek Wedding


1.) The Bible
2.) The Scarlet Pimpernel
3.) The Circle Trilogy (Ted Dekker)
4.) Anne of Green Gables
5.) My Utmost for His Highest


1.) Chai Tea
2.) McDonald's Hamburgers
3.) Rucker John's Chicken
4.) California Salad
5.) Chicken Salad!

TV Shows

1.) The Office
2.) American Idol
3.) One Tree Hill (don't laugh) :)
4.) The Amazing Race
5.) Survivor


1.) Bebo Norman
2.) Shawn McDonald
3.) Shane Bernard & Shane Everett
4.) Josh Groban
5.) Misc. friends (Sare, Hannah, etc.)


1.) Brown
2.) Red
3.) Green
4.) Blue
5.) Purple

Random Things

1.) Driving with the windows down and the music blaring!
2.) Adventures in Odyssey (radio drama from Focus on the Family)
3.) The Ocean (especially Emerald Isle, NC)
4.) Quiet times of worship with the Father
5.) Being with good friends, playing games, & laughing!

**BONUS Likes
—The pool
—Being happy : )

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