Thursday, September 23, 2010


What's new since I blogged last?

1.) Finished up two more classes :) and have started two more - Old Testament and Christian Ethics in the U.S. (four more classes to go, and I will finally be done).

2.) Turned 26 (I am super old now), and I celebrated the day by going to work, which is how I know that I'm old.

3.) I had an awesome summer...I mowed the yard a lot, which was therapeutic in so many ways! I read books that were on my "books I must read before I die" list. I went to Philadelphia for the first time and saw all the typical touristy places. I went to several weddings, worked a lot, spent time with my youth groupians, and soaked up the rays in the back yard pool. I also got to catch up with friends, family, and on my sleep :)

4.) I began to attempt house-sitting professionally as a side gig so I can buy a nice car and travel more without having to sell a kidney. I have had mixed results, but I'm not giving up cause I would really like to keep my kidney! :)

5.) I watched a lot re-runs of The Office because it is the best show on television.

6.) I finally updated my blog with a lovely new background, and now you can officially follow my blog. Notice that no one is following it :) That's okay. I still love you.

7.) Oh yeah, I also became an aunt...and that is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me aside from Jesus.


Burt said...

Um...nice post.

And for the record...I follow your blog! I just do it from Google Reader. :-)

Andi said...

Haha - thanks Burt! And, I follow your blog too, but seriously, when is the last time you posted? I miss it!

Steve said...
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Steve said...

Ask and receive.

Sorry about the test agent stuff... Forgot that I had used blogspot for something at work and forgot to set the name.