2.) The crisp chill of winter. Yes, it is true that I don't really like to be cold, but sometimes I enjoy putting on my coat, gloves, and scarf and walking around places like Muskingum's campus. It feels like Christmas.
3.) Songs that I really like but haven't heard in awhile... I love when a familiar melody comes on, and I suddenly realize that I love this song, but I haven't heard it in forever! It's kind of the same feeling you get when see a friend you haven't seen for awhile.... For instance, tonight my ipod randomly played "God Shaped Whole" by Plumb... I love that song, but it has been a long time since I heard it.... it was nice to sing along again!
4.) The photo below.... it's of my friend Brianna and my dad as they walked on a trail in Sedona, Arizona this past May. It is a great reminder of a fantastic trip, but it also serves as a reminder of the "narrow path" that I've chosen to travel...

5.) Jim Brickman. He is probably my favorite pianist of all times, and I was slightly shocked and amazed to find out that he will be coming to Cambridge as part of his Spring Concert Tour... That is pretty awesome!