1.) Finished up two more classes :) and have started two more - Old Testament and Christian Ethics in the U.S. (four more classes to go, and I will finally be done).
2.) Turned 26 (I am super old now), and I celebrated the day by going to work, which is how I know that I'm old.
3.) I had an awesome summer...I mowed the yard a lot, which was therapeutic in so many ways! I read books that were on my "books I must read before I die" list. I went to Philadelphia for the first time and saw all the typical touristy places. I went to several weddings, worked a lot, spent time with my youth groupians, and soaked up the rays in the back yard pool. I also got to catch up with friends, family, and on my sleep :)
4.) I began to attempt house-sitting professionally as a side gig so I can buy a nice car and travel more without having to sell a kidney. I have had mixed results, but I'm not giving up cause I would really like to keep my kidney! :)
5.) I watched a lot re-runs of The Office because it is the best show on television.
6.) I finally updated my blog with a lovely new background, and now you can officially follow my blog. Notice that no one is following it :) That's okay. I still love you.
7.) Oh yeah, I also became an aunt...and that is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me aside from Jesus.