Today is my b-day, as Michael Scott would say. I can't believe I am 25 years old...
On Tuesday in youth group, Pastor Burt had the teens contemplate their journey with Christ. Have they moved in their walk? Are they moving? Where are they at?
In thinking about my own journey with Christ, it seems appropriate, on this occasion, that I take a moment and assess the things I have learned in my 25 years here on earth. What have I learned? Am I growing? Do I like who I am becoming? Have I changed?
Below is a list of 25 things that I know I have learned—some are old adages that we have heard a thousand times, some are straight from the Bible. I have found all of these to be true and am still working on them:
1.) You get what you pay for.
2.) When you feel like isolating yourself, don't.
3.) The greater the risk, the greater the reward.
4.) Good is great's worst enemy.
5.) Friends are the family you make for yourself - treat them well!
6.) Stop and smell the roses - enjoy the simple things in life.
7.) If you have the opportunity to travel, do it.
8.) Don't go to college for the sake of going to college. It will always be there waiting for you.
9.) Live like Jesus - be a servant, and you will find joy in the smallest tasks.
10.) If you really want something, it's okay to splurge, just don't splurge all the time.
11.) Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth - No one likes a bragger.
12.) Make time for people, even if you aren't the best of friends...people matter.
13.) Wherever you are, be all there.
14.) No matter what you are doing, do your best.
15.) Honor your parents so your life will go well.
16.) Greedy people try to get rich quick but don't realize they're headed for poverty.
17.) Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing.
18.) Learn how to be content in all circumstances.
19.) You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them.
20.) It's okay to indulge your guilty pleasures every now and then if they are harmless. Chocolate and showtunes - need I say more?
21.) It is not the length of life, but the depth of life.
22.) Every moment is a second chance at starting over.
23.) To have a thankful heart, a good rule of thumb is to list five things a day you are thankful for.
24.) To live a life of self is death, but the death of self is life.
25.) Life is worthless until you understand the reason for existence - Jesus.