Today has been such a good day! Ok, so not all of it has been perfect... but I'll admit, I have been just kind of down/lethargic... trying to get through these last few weeks of the semester. Well, today is Administrative Professionals Day, and since, during this season in my life, I happen to be an Admin, I was showered by much love today at work! I received flowers and a gift from my boss, a gift from my supervisor, and flowers from a couple who came to visit campus.
When I went to my English class, I was nervous because we were getting our exams back today. I confess, I have been saddened by most of my grades in that class, mostly because I always try to do my best, and frankly, my best has not been cutting it, and also because I love this class. It is the best class I have had since my college career began! So, anyway, when he handed our exams back, I was slightly shocked and amazed to see a big "A" on the front! I can't tell you how happy that made me!
And, for those of you who don't know, our dear DeeDee who has lived with my family for the past several months, had her baby yesterday. Tonight, if she hasn't left the hospital already, I am going to get to see sweet baby Ty! I can't wait!
You know, sometimes life is hard and at times, it feels like you trudge through it. But I am consistently reminded of the goodness of days like today, in blessings like Ty. While we should praise God in the midst of the storm, every now and then, it is so great to be able to praise Him in the midst of tremendous joy!
I thought of an old Geoff Moore and the Distance song as I was writing this post, hence the title. It's a great song... even if I am dating myself! : )
Best Days
The river was deep, the water was cold,
I was only twelve years old.
My dad and me, trout fishing,
Waist deep in a Michigan stream.
He showed me how to make that fly,
Look like it was so alive.
And then he helped me understand,
How to be a fisher of men.
And all the world was right,
And I felt so full and alive
In the wonder and the light,
And I would never be the same,
For I knew somehow I had changed.
Even now I'd have to say,
It was one of my best days.
It was like a rock, a lump in my throat,
I was eighteen years old,
But I had to say something
To the prettiest girl I'd ever seen.
A new world record was set that day,
For the stupid things I'd say.
I made her laugh, It must've been enough,
For by day's end we'd fall in love.
And all the world was right,
And I felt so full and alive
In the wonder and the light,
And I would never be the same,
For I knew somehow I had changed.
Even now I'd have to say,
It was one of my best days.
Sometimes I look to the eastern sky,
Wondering what it will be like,
When we all finally learn,
Of the day You return.
What will I feel?
Where will I be?
Will it all seem like a dream?
I think it'll be like a long-lost friend,
Coming back to His family again.
And all the world will be right,
And we'll feel so full and alive
In His wonder and His light,
And we will never be the same,
For I know we all will be changed,
And we will surely say,
This is the very best of days,
This is the very best,
The very best of days.