I haven't blogged in forever. Alright, that is a slight exaggeration. I admit, I have been tired, preoccupied, and have found so many other things that I've needed to do. Also, so many fun things happened at Thanksgiving, I didn't feel like words could describe them, and unfortunately, I don't even have pictures to make up for it. Christmas is coming, we are swamped at work, and I have been helping out with the youth group, which is fun, but it only adds to my time being limited. Speaking of youth group, we have some great things planned for the next couple of weeks! I am stoked! I am going to try and post some pics, a few of them of my dad and one of the surprises happening at our youth group Christmas party.
The good news is that my studying days are over...at least for the semester. I took my final yesterday, and I feel really good about it. I am thankful...here are some more reasons to be thankful:
1.) That I feel more at home this year at Muskingum than last—tonight was the holiday reception at my boss's house. Last year, I got my food and ducked into a corner the entire night (thank goodness Linda was there to keep me company)! This year, I walked around the house, talking to different people. Granted, I did eventually find my way to the same corner as last year, but this time I was surrounded by coworkers with whom I could actually share conversation. That makes me happy.
2.) I know I said it earlier, but I am so grateful that my final is over, and I am now on break. I must admit that I am exhausted. It feels good to come home and not really have to worry about the next day.
3.) Friendly workers at Wal-Mart. Tonight, I ended up buying more on my shopping trip that I had originally anticipated. I was stranded without a cart when one of the workers asked if I wanted the cart she was using for some task. Thank you, whatever your name was! You made my night.
4.) Christmas cards from unexpected, long-lost friends. It's good to hear from you!
5.) Weekends with no agenda. I am looking forward to this one. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!